Abstroct-YBa~CusO~-r (YBCO) thin films on Rplane sapphire u p t o I-cm-diam with ZrO2:Y (YSZ) buffer layers were fabricated by in-ritu off-axis DC magnetron sputtering and laser ablation. The film dc properties, critical current density (J,), effective microwave surface resistance (&), X-ray data and surface morphology as functions of deposition temperature (Td) from 600 t o 75OoC were studied. We have found out that the two processes simultaneously and in different ways affect the YBCO layers superconducting properties versus Td. The results show that Alms deposited at both ends of T ! range have equal critical temperatures b u t their J, and R, differ up t o an order of magnitude. High-homogeneity 5-cm-diam Alms with J, >4 MA/cmz and R, <0.8 mQ at 10 GHz, and 77 K were routinely fabricated under optimum growth conditions. The effective 2 GHz short-dipole antenna and Wilkinson divider were developed and fabricated from the fflms.