This review shows an outlook about several works which have used the factorial design methodology for synthesizing zeolites and mesoporous materials, included the use of wastes as sources of silicon and aluminum. In the bibliography several interesting works were identified with a complete development of the factorial design methodology. However, there are other works that showed a limited statistical analysis of the results. In spite of these issues, their contribution in the advance of synthesis of zeolites is important. Moreover, different ways to measure the crystallinity were detected being the X‐ray diffraction (XRD) the most used technique. This work also gives a proposal of the complete factorial design methodology as a guide in future works for synthesizing zeolites or zeo‐types materials. This work presents a detailed review of the methodology of designing experiments for the synthesis of zeolite or zeo‐type materials, where it has been shown and analyzed the type of design used, because the choice of a design involves a large number of experiments or few experiments thus facilitating the production of zeolite, in addition to the factors that influence the synthesis give information of the type to obtained zeolites, also includes a guide for applying this methodology. Experiment design methodology can help to produce high quality zeolites from virgin raw material or waste that impact the economy of the zeolite industry.