Youth who age out of foster care face a constellation of challenges associated with navigating the transition to adulthood and often do not have opportunities to express their perspectives. The purpose of this project was to partner with these youth to develop a trauma-informed photovoice program that can be freely utilized in child welfare programming. This youth participatory action research (yPAR) project engaged youth and young adults with child welfare experience in a long-term partnership to co-develop and pilot test a trauma-informed photovoice program called Photovoice for Change (P4C). P4C evolved into a three-meeting structure: (1) orientation and launch; (2) preparation for sharing; and (3) share back. Youth participants revealed photographs of “places and spaces” that impacted their lives, sharing their meaning with other youth and supportive adults in a group setting. The project concluded with a gallery showing, featuring a video highlighting the program participants’ experiences. Trauma-informed photovoice may be an important program to embed within the child welfare system, as it can provide youth with an opportunity to: (a) strengthen within-group relationships and (b) express important aspects of their lives in a supportive and safe environment.