We present a method to measure the growth of structure and the background geometry of the Universewith no a priori assumption about the underlying cosmological model. Using Canada-France-Hawaii Lensing Survey (CFHTLenS) shear data, we simultaneously reconstruct the lensing amplitude, the linear intrinsic alignment amplitude, the redshift evolving matter power spectrum, Pðk; zÞ, and the comoving distance, rðzÞ. We find that lensing predominately constrains a single global power spectrum amplitude and several comoving distance bins. Our approach can localize the precise scales (k-modes in the matter power spectrum) and redshifts where lambda-cold dark matter (LCDM) fails-if any. We find that below z ¼ 0.4, the measured comoving distance rðzÞ is higher than that expected from the Planck LCDM cosmology by ∼1.5σ, while at higher redshifts, our reconstruction is fully consistent. To validate our reconstruction, we compare LCDM parameter constraints from the standard cosmic shear likelihood analysis to those found by fitting to the nonparametric information and we find good agreement.