The aim of this study is to determine the perceptions of English language teachers teaching at a preparatory school in relation to their knowing and applying contemporary language teaching techniques in their lessons. An investigation was conducted of 21 English language teachers at a preparatory school in North Cyprus. The spss statistical package was used for the data analysis. Frequency and percentages were used to analyse the English language teachers' knowledge, desire to learn, application of the innovative language techniques in their classrooms, experience of problems as well as teachers' frequency of technique usage and where they learned these techniques. This study shows that the most known contemporary technique is communicative and less known contemporary language teaching techniques are blended/hybrid.
Key words: English language teaching, contemporary teaching techniques, English teachers.Este estudio busca determinar las percepciones que profesores de inglés en una escuela preparatoria tienen respecto al conocimiento y aplicación en sus clases de técnicas contemporáneas de enseñanza de idiomas. Los participantes fueron 21 docentes de una escuela prepraratoria en el norte de Chipre. Se utilizó el paquete estadístico spss para el análisis de los datos. La frecuencia y porcentajes sirvieron para analizar el conocimiento de los docentes, su deseo de aprender, la aplicación de técnicas innovadoras en sus clases, los problemas detectados, frecuencia del uso y dónde aprendieron dichas técnicas. El estudio muestra que la técnica contemporánea más conocida es la comunicativa y la menos conocida la mixta o híbrida.Palabras clave: docentes de inglés, enseñanza del inglés, técnicas contemporáneas de enseñanza. * E-mail: How to cite this article (apa, 6 th ed.): Sucuoğlu, E. (2017). English language teachers' perceptions on knowing and applying contemporary language teaching techniques. Profile: Issues in Teachers ' Professional Development, 19(Suppl. 1), 65-79. v19n_sup1.68518. This article was received on September 3, 2017, and accepted on November 7, 2017.
IntroductionFor decades researchers have attempted to determine the best methods for providing English language instruction, especially for non-English speaking populations. The focus on English language teaching (elt) strategies has led to the development of a wide range of approaches that include individualized instruction, group activities, and collaborative learning models (Hubackova, 2016;Kuimova, Uzunboylu, & Golousenko, 2017). Existing research often integrates multiple approaches in its exploration of methods that provide the greatest level of success for language knowledge. Current approaches include communicative, constructivist, reflective, webbased, blended/hybrid, neurolinguistic programming, cooperative/collaborative, content-based, task-based, differentiated, participatory, multiple intelligences, project-based, strategies-based, and problem-based language teac...