Contemporary approaches and trends in software engineering courses have been continuously updated over the last four decades. Adaptation to industry needs is crucial for future educational purposes and vice versa. Tech startups have become a driving force in the economy and a major industry trend. The goal of this paper is first to critically assess how contemporary industry trends and in particular, tech startups have influenced the updating of software engineering curricula. The second goal is to evaluate the contribution of industry and in particular, tech startups, processes and models in present learning approaches. The third goal addresses how stakeholders have helped in the infusion of industry trends and in particular, in tech startup approaches in academia. This study is a systematic literature mapping. A total of 138 papers were selected based on education goals, research, and contribution type. Of the primary education topics, 78% were related to teaching strategies, 9% to globalization and training methods, and less than 5% to tech startup and industry innovation. Common stakeholders accounting for the change are students, researchers, and lecturers and project managers, product owners, customers, and clients from industry. This study showed that industrial models or methods involving Agile and Scrum have been widely adopted. Less investigated areas that have recently become common industry trends, such as tech startup models adopting lean methodology, require further attention and might create opportunities for updating the curricula. We discuss future model possibilities for exploiting tech startups as a means for renewing future capstone courses. Index Terms-software engineering courses, teaching approaches, mapping study, tech startups