Viral therapy of cancer includes strategies such as viral transduction of tumour cells with ‘suicide genes’, using viral infection to trigger immune-mediated tumour cell death and using oncolytic viruses for their direct anti-tumour action. However, problems still remain in terms of adequate viral delivery to tumours. A role is also emerging for single-organ isolation and perfusion. Having begun with the advent of isolated limb perfusion for extremity malignancy, experimental systems have been developed for the perfusion of other organs, particularly the liver, kidneys and lungs. These are beginning to be adopted into clinical treatment pathways. The combination of these two modalities is potentially significant. Locoregional perfusion increases the exposure of tumour cells to viral agents. In addition, the avoidance of systemic elimination through the immune and reticulo-endothelial systems should provide a mechanism for increased transduction/infection of target cells. The translation of laboratory research to clinical practice would occur within the context of perfusion programmes, which are already established in the clinic. Many of these programmes include the use of vasoactive cytokines such as tumour necrosis factor-α, which may have an effect on viral uptake. Evidence of activation of specific antitumour immunological responses by intratumoural and other existing methods of viral administration raises the intriguing possibility of a locoregional therapy, with the ability to affect distant sites of disease. In this review, we examined the state of the literature in this area and summarized current findings before indicating likely areas of continuing interest.