Vibrotactile thresholds were measured on the thenar eminence of 12 men and 12 women at 10 sinusoidal frequencies. No significant differences between the two groups were observed. Magnitude estimation and production procedures carried out with 6 men and 6 women from the same groups showed that women perceive suprathreshold vibration stimuli as more intense than do men, although women and men do not differ in their estimation of the length of lines.Differences in threshold sensrtrvity for men and women have been reported for several sense modalities. Auditory acuity, for instance, is about the same up to approximately age 50. During this period both sexes show a slight and gradual loss. Following age 50 men show an accelerated loss relative to women for frequencies of 3,000 Hz and above (Spoor, 1967). Corso (1963) states that the onset of presbycusis is more gradual and uniform for women, but that once started it is more rapid for women.Procacci, Zoppi, Maresca, and Romano (1974) report that women are more sensitive to pain than men throughout the age span. They showed also that pain thresholds in women are closely related to the menstrual cycle. Others report little if any differences in pain thresholds (Clark & Mehl, 1971). Sensitivity to odors has been shown to be more acute in women (Koelega, 1970; Koster, 1965;Schneider, 1967) and also to be related to the menstrual cycle (Koster, 1965;Le Magnen, 1953). The author was unable to find comparative studies between men and women regarding visual acuity.Women were found to be more sensitive to vibration than men by Goff, Rosner, Detre, and Kennard (1965), who also report a gradual loss of sensitivity for women with age beginning in the late teens. Men, on the other hand, were found to have stable thresholds to 45 years of age before sensitivity decreases. A number of studies, however, found no differences between men and women with respect to vibrotactile threshold measurements (Plumb & Meigs, 1961;Steinberg & Graber, 1963;Verrillo & Ecker, 1977).All of the studies relating to sensory functions and sex report threshold data. None have dealt with suprathreshold phenomena. The present investigation was undertaken to determine if differences exist be- tween men and women in their sensitivity to vibration and in their perceived magnitudes of suprathreshold stimuli.
APPARATUS AND METHODThe subjects were seated with forearm and hand, palm down, resting on a rigid surface. The vibrator was located on an adjustable platform beneath the rigid surface with the 2.9-cm 2 contactor protruding through a hole in the surface. The gap between the contactor and the edge of the rigid surround was 1.0 mm. Before testing, the height of the vibrator was carefully adjusted so that the contactor pressed 1.0 mm into the skin of the thenar eminence. During testing, the sound of the vibrator was masked by narrowband noise centered at the test frequency and delivered through earphones.Vibrotactile detection thresholds were determined for 12 men and 12 women using a Bekesy automatic recording ...