Transforming Harvey (Ha) ras oncogene products accelerated the time course of Xenopus oocyte maturation induced by insulin, insulinlike growth factor 1, or progesterone. The transforming constructs, Ha p21and Ha p21, displayed equal potency and efficacy in their abilities to accelerate the growth peptide-induced response. Normal Ha p21 was only 60% as powerful and one-fifth as potent as the mutants containing valine in the 12 position. In contrast, two nontransforming constructs, Ha p21 and Ha(term-174) p21, had no effect on the time course of hormone-induced maturation. Effects of the transforming ras proteins on hormone-induced maturation correlated with their abilities to stimulate in vivo phosphodiesterase activity measured after microinjection of 200 ,IM cyclic [3H] AMP. When p21 injection followed 90 min of insulin treatment, there was no increase in phosphodiesterase activity over that measured after hormone treatment or p21 injection alone, but additive effects of p21 and insulin on enzyme activity were observed during the first 90 min of insulin treatment. Even though normal Ha p21 and transforming Ha p21 stimulated oocyte phosphodiesterase to equal levels when coinjected with substrate at the initiation of the in vivo assay, the transforming protein elicited a more sustained stimulation of enzyme activity. These results suggest that stimulation of a cyclic AMP phosphodiesterase activity associated with insulin-induced maturation is involved in the growth-promoting actions of ras oncogene products in Xenopus oocytes.The ras proteins make up a family of closely related gene products of approximately 21,000 molecular weight (also termed p21 proteins) that are highly conserved along evolutionary lines in both mammalian and lower eucaryotic cells (10). These proteins are membrane bound and display properties similar to elongation factor EF-Tu, ox-transducin, and the known guanine nucleotide-binding regulatory proteins of the adenylyl cyclase system (11, 14). The p21 proteins display guanine nucleotide binding (34, 35) and weak GTPase activity (9,22,39), and it has been proposed that they function as intracellular signal transducers. The working hypothesis contends that normal ras proteins play an important regulatory role in normal cell division and differentiation (25,26) and that the transforming actions of oncogenic mutants are due to altered biological function that in some way affects signalling action(s). One altered function that has been associated with transforming p21 proteins is decreased GTPase activity that results in an increased halflife of the p21-GTP complex (9,21,22,40 (8,15,(27)(28)(29)(30)33) by a novel mechanism that is independent of the classic guanine nucleotide-binding protein, termed G6 or Ni (12,24,30,33).Recently, induction of oocyte maturation by insulin and insulinlike growth factor 1 (IGF-1) was shown to correlate with both inhibition of adenylyl cyclase activity in membrane preparations and stimulation of phosphodiesterase measured in vivo after microinjection of 200 ,uM cycl...