Many workers have shown that lettuce (7,9,12,13,14,15,17) and other photosensitive seeds (8,16,20,23) used in these studies. These seed bulks were stored dry in sealed jars at -12 C. These seeds were selected because the germination responses to light and temperature were known; Lepidium was the same species and Grand Rapids was the same sample as that used in the light studies reported previously (3,25,26).Seeds were planted in petri dishes on a double thickness of Whatman No. 2 filter paper wetted with 7.5 ml per dish of gibberellin solution, other indicated chemicals, or distilled water. Water controls were included in all experiments. The dishes were immediately placed between several layers of black cloth on trays in germination chambers controlled within +0.5 C. The 100 seeds planted per dish are referred to in this paper as seed "lot". The imbibed seeds were held in darkness except for the period of exposure to light and/or during transfer of seeds from one substratum to another. The imbibed seeds were transferred with a spatula. Transfer was done ap-