High temperature affects wheat yield severely. This study aimed to explore the variation and recognition of heat responsive traits, to enhance wheat productivity in high temperature stress condition. The recombinant inbred lines were developed by crossing of released wheat variety MACS2496 (heat sensitive) and WH730 (heat tolerant). The experiments were conducted into 2 years at three locations of two planting conditions (heat and terminal heat stress). Combined analysis of variance shows significant variations among all the studied traits at individual location, year and planting conditions. The phenological and yield component traits were highly influenced by environment under terminal heat stress condition. Days to heading and thousand kernel weight coupled with high heritability and high genetic advance per cent of mean in heat and terminal heat stress environments. In heat and terminal heat stress planting conditions, tiller number per plant, kernels per spike, kernel weight per spike and thousand kernel weight confirm positive relationship with grain yield per plant by correlation and principal component analysis. Path and multiple regression analysis accomplish that tiller number per plant, kernel weight per spike, kernel per spike and thousand kernel weight were identified as the key contributor towards grain yield per plant in heat and terminal heat stress environment. Thus, all‐inclusive approaches demonstrated that the promising traits deliver a framework to develop heat tolerant cultivars in future.