A commonly accepted core mechanism in fluid volume and blood pressure regulation is the parallel relationship between body Na + and extracellular fluid content. 1 It is assumed that Na + readily equilibrates between the intravascular and interstitial compartments that together constitute the extracellular fluid and that Na + concentrations are not remarkably different between the interstitial and intravascular volume. This idea is based on the relatively simple physicochemical concept of passive body fluid equilibrium in closed systems. 2 To maintain blood pressure homeostasis, body fluid volume and thereby body Na + content has to be maintained within narrow limits.In long-term observations in humans, however, several studies have shown that considerable amounts of Na + are retained or removed from the subjects' bodies without commensurate water retention or loss. [3][4][5][6] This finding suggests that Na + could be stored somewhere in the body without commensurate water retention and thereby be inactive from a fluid balance viewpoint. 7 Previously unidentified extrarenal, tissue-specific regulatory mechanisms that control the release and storage of Na + from a kidney-independent reservoir are a requirement in this scenario, thereby questioning the usual notion of a 2-compartment model. 2 Later studies have indicated that skin might serve as major Na + reservoir. [8][9][10] An implication of these observations might be that there is not a strict isotonicity of all body fluids and that skin electrolyte concentrations do not necessarily equilibrate with blood electrolytes.One consequence of such electrolyte accumulation in excess of water would be that it might cause local hypertonicity. Indeed, using vapor pressure osmometry, we recently demonstrated that Na + accumulation in skin as a consequence of feeding the rats a high-salt diet (HSD) results in a tissue that is hyperosmotic relative to plasma.11 Supporting this notion, interstitial fluid (IF) sampled by microdialysis was found to be ≈10 mosmol/kg, and the Na + concentration in tissue regions presumed to be lymphatics ≈20 mmol/L higher than plasma.
11Such electrolyte gradients would, even with a low capillary reflection coefficient, represent formidable transcapillary forces that would favor massive edema formation. Because the fluid accumulation in rats where salt accumulation has been induced by HSD and deoxycorticosterone acetate (DOCA) combined Abstract-The common notion is that the body Na + is maintained within narrow limits for fluid and blood pressure homeostasis. Several studies have, however, shown that considerable amounts of Na + can be retained or removed from the body without commensurate water loss and that the skin can serve as a major salt reservoir. Our own data from rats have suggested that the skin is hypertonic compared with plasma on salt storage and that this also applies to skin interstitial fluid. Even small electrolyte gradients between plasma and interstitial fluid would represent strong edema-generating forces. Because the...