Seventy-eight mutants of Penicillium chrysogenum strain NRRL 195 1, that were impaired in penicillin production, were isolated following treatment with various mutagens. Twelve that yielded about 10% of their parental penicillin titre were studied in detail. Analyses of heterozygous diploids formed between them revealed the existence of at least five complementation groups with respect to penicillin production -V, W, X, Y and Z. Most mutants belonged to group Y. A biochemical investigation of the intracellular peptides in strains representing the five groups demonstrated the absence of the tripeptide a-aminoadipoylcysteinyl-valine from mutants of groups X, Y and Z. Extracts of mutants of groups W, Y and Z were able to catalyse a penicillin acyl-exchange reaction, a mutant of group V showed only a trace of activity and a mutant from group X completely lacked this ability.