The angular distributions of neutron elastic scattering on natural carbon were studied in the fast neutron energy region between 1 and 8 MeV. The experiments were carried out at the white neutron source of the Geel Electron Linear Accelerator (GELINA) facility by using thin and thick natural carbon samples. This work demonstrates the need for using thin samples to avoid strong multiple scattering effects. Neutrons and γ rays from scattering were detected using the ELastic and Inelastic Scattering Array (ELISA), a setup consisting of 32 liquid organic scintillators. The n−γ separation was achieved via pulse-shape analysis. For each sample a different approach in methodology is studied, one based on a global response function model and another one based on a per-detector model. The detectors are placed at eight different detection angles between 16∘ and 164∘ with respect to the neutron beam direction, allowing the simultaneous calculation of both the differential and the integral cross section by implementing the Gauss-Legendre quadrature rule. The neutron flux was measured with a U235 ionization chamber. The angular distributions were extracted relative to the U235(n,f) cross section. The results are compared with other experimental data available in the EXFOR library, along with the most recent nuclear data evaluations. The angle-integrated cross sections are in excellent agreement with the nuclear data evaluations and for the angular distributions, ENDF/B-VIII.0 is better reproducing the experimental data in all eight detection angles.
Published by the American Physical Society