Zinner syndrome is a rare congenital anomaly of the genitourinary tract, consisting of ipsilateral renal agenesis, seminal vesicle cysts, and ejaculatory duct obstruction. Besides, quadruplication of the ureter is the rarest anomaly composed of proximal four ureters ending with a single distal ureter. The authors present an adult male patient with left flank pain and dysuria who was referred for abdomen CT scan. The CT scan revealed renal agenesis, seminal vesicle cysts, and obstructed ejaculatory duct, all in the right side (Zinner syndrome), and quadruplication of the ureter on the left side. The additional finding of hemivertebra was present resulting in kyphoscoliosis. Zinner syndrome and quadrupled ureter, are both rare anomalies, and the occurrence of both entities at the same patient is exceptionally rare, and have not been reported yet in the English literature. Furthermore, standard treatment protocols have to be pursued, as such patients hold a single kidney with the quadrupled ureter.