Medical education in Ukraine is an integral part of the national system of education and health care. Medical education is especially important and relevant today, in the conditions of war, when the requirements for the future professional are increasing. Simulation training is a mandatory component of professional training, which is used as a model of professional activity in order to provide opportunities for everyone to learn to perform a professional skill or its element in accordance with professional standards of providing medical care. The content of the concept of pedagogical competence integrates theoretical psychological and pedagogical knowledge, practical skills, experience, and personal qualities important for pedagogical work, among which it is worth noting the need for self-improvement, the presence of critical thinking, the desire for creativity, and love for the profession.Aim. To determine the role of communications as a component of competence in education in the conditions of modern realities.Materials and methods. The role of communication as a component of the competence of simulation training and the data of available national and foreign publications containing information on possible ways to improve higher medical education are analyzed.Results and discussion. The vector of medical education is aimed primarily at the formation of competencies, which, accordingly, are directed to educational activities: lectures, seminars, remote modules, etc. However, it is the theoretical base that is the first stage on the way to mastering the entire matrix of specialist competencies, and the acquired knowledge requires further reinforcement with practical skills. The student gets the first practical experience "without fear" of incorrect execution and risk for the patient precisely with the help of simulation techniques. Simulation teaching methods have already become quite widespread in the modern educational process and, regardless of the degree of complexity of the mannequin, are used in practical classes to form the general professional and professional competencies of the future specialist. The basis on which the training is built is knowledge, so they should be conducted after learning the theoretical material at lectures, seminars, round tables, video conferences and further assessment of the level of acquired knowledge (surveys, tests). Thus, training is a process of active learning, the purpose of which is to consolidate knowledge and master skills. In the traditional sense, simulation training is a practical session using simulation technologies, which includes an in-depth study of theoretical material at the previous stage and the implementation of applied practical tasks with subsequent feedback, for example, analysis of the results of the session by the students themselves together with the teacher at a debriefing.Conclusions. The development of medical education and training of a competitive specialist is an urgent issue of modern education, especially in the conditions of martial law in the country. There is a need to introduce new methods and approaches to the formation of professional qualities of the future medical specialist. In the conditions of reforming medical education, it is essential to increase the level of professionalism on the basis of the obtained theoretical knowledge through the improvement of the practical interaction of the student with the patient. Simulation training of practical competencies and improvement of communication skills will help develop sustainable qualification skills of graduates of higher medical institutions, ensuring that highly qualified specialists provide practical health care.