In this note, we provide a description of the structure homomorphisms from a finitely generated group to any torsion-free (3-dimensional) Kleinian group with uniformly bounded finite covolume. This is analogous to the Jørgensen-Thurston Theorem in hyperbolic geometry.
YI LIUfinitely-generated case can be reduced to the finitely-presented case, (Proposition 4.12).Acknowledgement. The author thanks Ian Agol and Daniel Groves for helpful conversations.
PreliminariesIn this section, we recall some notions and results related to the topic of this paper.2.1. The Jørgensen-Thurston Theorem. For convenience of our discussion, we adopt the following notations and state the results in terms of Kleinian groups. Cf. [Th] for facts mentioned in this subsection.Let Γ be a torsion-free Kleinian group of finite covolume, namely, which has a fundamental domain in H 3 of finite volume. Then Γ has at most finitely many of conjugacy-classes parabolic subgroups, represented by subgroups P 1 , • • • , P q , (q ≥ 0), each isomorphic to a rank-2 free abelian group. We often call these chosen subgroups cusp representatives of Γ. By a slope-tupleor ambiguously, w.r.t. Γ), we shall mean that for each 1 ≤ j ≤ q, the j-th component ζ j is either trivial or a primitive element in P j . For any slopetuple ζ of Γ, we denote the Dehn filling of Γ along ζ as:i.e. Γ quotienting out the normal closure of the ζ j 's, and often denote the quotient epimorphism as:By Thurston's Hyperbolic Dehn-Filling Theorem ([Th, Theorem 5.8.2]), for generic slope-tuples ζ (avoiding finitely many primitive choices for each component), Γ ζ is isomorphic to a torision-free Kleinian group of finite covolume, indeed, strictly less than that of Γ if ζ is nonempty. These Γ ζ 's are usually called hyperbolic Dehn fillings of Γ. In fact, one may choose faithful Kleinian representations ρ ζ : Γ ζ → PSL 2 (C), so that for any sequence {ζ n } of slope-tuples, there is a subsequence for which the induced representations {ρ ζn • ι ζn } of Γ strongly converges. Moreover, if for each j-th component, {ζ j n } has no bounded subsequence of primitive elements in P j , then {ρ ζn • ι ζn } strongly converges to the inclusion Γ ⊂ PSL 2 (C).The following rephrases [Th, Theorem 5.12.1]:Theorem 2.1 (Jørgensen-Thurston). For any V > 0, there exist finitely many torsion-free Kleinian groups Γ 1 , • • • , Γ k of covolume at most V , (together with chosen cusp representatives), such that any torsion-free Kleinian group of covolume at most V is isomorphic to the hyperbolic Dehn filling (Γ i ) ζ of some Γ i along some slope-tuple ζ of Γ i .Remark 2.2. It is also implied from the proof that hyperbolic Dehn fillings decreases the covolume.