Системный анализ и моделирование экономических процессов и систем 355 ОЦЕНКА ЭФФЕКТОВ КРУПНОМАСШТАБНЫХ ПРОЕКТОВ КАК СПЕЦИФИЧЕСКИЙ АСПЕКТ ИНВЕСТИЦИОННОГО АНАЛИЗА О.Ю. Патракеева, К.Э. Месропян Институт социально-экономических и гуманитарных исследований Южного научного центра РАН, Ростов-на-Дону, Российская ФедерацияAbstract.The large-scale projects potentially having a significant impact on intra-sectoral and intersectoral, intraregional and interregional proportions, the rates of socioeconomic development, the dynamics of the current price system, on public resources are, on the one hand, the object of investment, on the other, they are the instrument for territorial development. Being guided by the world experience, the basis of the proposed methodology for integrated evaluation of projects is based on ideas and approaches that are widely used in assessing investments in fixed assets of current business, combined with methods of economic and expert evaluation of non-market (social, environmental, political) costs and benefits. Assessing the economic efficiency of large-scale projects, investors have to draw significantly less formalized and unambiguous indicators that take into account additional environmental and social costs and benefits, as well as the interests and opinions of various actors in the decision-making process. The review of approaches to the analysis of large-scale projects presented in the article allows the following conclusion: it is advisable to unite the system and institutional approaches, as a result of which a large-scale project is regarded as an organizational and economic mechanism, the technology of which is described in aggregate values.