Using cryoelectron microscopy of vitreous sections, we investigated in situ the ultrastructure of biological membranes, selected from several cell types for their diverse biological functions. Here we describe how to visualize the two membrane leaflets and tightly apposed membranes, lying as close as 1.1 nm apart, by tuning the imaging conditions. We show how defects in membrane stacks may be clues to resolving their structure. Details of membrane proteins are also resolved, as well as protein lattices with correlations between stacked membranes. Imaging the cell in its native hydrated state can now be done in the nanometer resolution range, which should open unique routes for investigating structure-function relationships.thylakoid | transmembrane proteins | multilamellar body | Golgi | cortical alveoli B iological membranes are highly specialized dynamic entities that limit structural and functional compartments and control the exchange of matter and energy. They may exhibit a wide diversity of shapes with variable curvature, including spherical, tubular, planar, sponge, or cubic bicontinuous organizations (1). They are composed of hundreds of lipid and protein species, in some cases modified by sugars. Their structure and composition vary among species, cell types, and organelles and, even within a given membrane type, in time and space. This structural and chemical variability is directly related to their functional properties (2). Lipids (mostly phospholipids) represent more than 50% of membrane components. Their amphiphilic nature leads to the formation of bilayers. The hydrophobic chains are buried inside the membrane, and the polar heads are exposed to the outer, hydrated environment. Proteins may be bound to the lipid bilayer through electrostatic interactions or partially embedded within the bilayer.Transmission electron microscopy provides various techniques for exploring cell ultrastructure. Among these, cryoelectron microscopy of vitreous sections (CEMOVIS) provides snapshots of unstained frozen-hydrated cells and tissues in their native state. The analysis of ordered fibrillar objects like DNA in sperm cells (3), bacteria (4), and dinoflagellates (5) has benefited from this approach. Nevertheless, cryoelectron tomography (CET) is often preferred over CEMOVIS to overcome limitations arising from superimpositions on 2D projections and to obtain 3D views. CET has been used to successfully image entire small cells, organelles, and thin cellular extensions (6, 7), as well as thicker objects sliced into cryosections (8-11). Spectacular results have been obtained with CET in combination with image analysis; for example, the Ccadherin atomic structure has been fit into averaged subtomograms of epidermal desmosomes (8). However, the relatively low resolution of CET (generally between 5 and 8 nm; 3 nm in the optimum cases) remains insufficient to address many biological questions, especially those dealing with membrane structure.Fine structural details, particularly the bilayer nature of membranes, have been...