The Tsäkkok Lens of the Seve Nappe Complex in the Scandinavian Caledonides comprises eclogite bodies hosted within metasedimentary rocks. These rocks are thought to be derived from the outermost margin of Baltica along the periphery of the Iapetus Ocean, but detrital records from the sedimentary rocks are lacking.Many metasedimentary outcrops within the lens expose both well-foliated metapelitic rocks and massive calc-silicates. The contacts between these two lithologies are irregular and are observed to trend at all angles to the high-pressure foliation in the metapelites. Where folding is present in the metapelites, the calc-silicate rocks are also locally folded. These relationships suggest metasomatism of the metapelites during the Caledonian orogenesis. Zircon U-Pb geochronology was conducted on sixty-one zircon grains from a calc-silicate sample to investigate if they recorded the metasomatic event and to assess the detrital zircon populations. Zircon grains predominantly show oscillatory zoning, sometimes with thin, homogeneous rims that have embayed contacts with the oscillatory-zoned cores. The zircon cores yielded prominent early Stenian, Calymmian, and Statherian populations with a subordinate number of Tonian grains. The zircon rims exhibit dissolution-reprecipitation of the cores or new growth and provide ages that span similar time frames, indicating overprinting of successive tectonic events. Altogether, the zircon record of the calc-silicate suggests that the Tsäkkok Lens may be correlated to Neoproterozoic basins that are preserved in allochthonous positions within the northern extents of the Caledonian Orogen.