The piezo-chromic properties of spin crossover complexes have been recognized for a long time, with increasing pressure favouring the low spin state due to its smaller volume and therefore shifting the spin equilibrium towards higher temperatures and accelerating the relaxation at a given temperature. However, the interpretation and quantification of pressure induced changes have been several times compromised by the relatively poor and incomplete spectral and structural information provided by the detection methods or due to the experimental difficulties related to the need for hydrostatic conditions at low temperatures. The present review is therefore primarily focused on these experimental aspects of high pressure spin crossover research providing an overview of methods of pressure generation and associated detection methods as well as on selected recent results.Résumé: Les propriétés piézo-chromiques de complexes à transition de spin ont été identifiées depuis longtemps. Du point de vue théorique, l'application d'une pression favorise l'état bas spin, de plus petit volume. Ainsi les températures de transition augmentent et les cinétiques de relaxation s'accélèrent sous pression. Toutefois, l'interprétation et la quantification des modifications induites par la pression restent un challenge en raison de la difficulté d'obtenir des données structurales et spectrales fiables dans des conditions de pression hydrostatique. Ceci est d'autant plus vrai lorsque les hautes pressions et les basses températures doivent être combinées. Ainsi, l'objectif principal du présent article est une mise au point sur les techniques utilisées pour l'étude des composés à transition de spin sous pressionillustrées par une sélection de résultats récents.the piston(s) in the desired position even after removing the cell from the press. These (relatively) small, autonomous cells are particularly popular because they can be easily combined with cryostats, magnetometers and other equipment [26,82,109]. While several designs, both home built and commercially available have been used in the study of SCO materials, the principle upon which they work is similar. In general the sample is placed in a Teflon capsule J Rotaru et al. have been analysed the thermal behaviour of the spin transition complexes [FexZn1-x(btr)2(NCS)2]H2O (for x=0.6 and x=1) by diffuse reflectivity measurements, under constant pressure in the range 1-1600 bars obtained with a gas pressure cell [186]. I J , as shown in Figure 24.