The resonances of saturation which occur when the mode spacing is equal to the Zeeman splitting are theoretically studied for a mode spacing <, the natural width broadened by collisions. Two kinds of resonances occur. The first set, due to a population effect (crossing of holes), is not resolved and is unobservable. The second set, due to a Zeeman coherence effect, is well resolved since the widths of the resonances are of the order of the Hanle-effect width. These resonances are very sensitive to the relative phases of the modes.When a gas (Ne in our experiments) excited by a discharge is placed in a magnetic field and is submitted to a resonant laser beam (He-Ne laser) linearly a polarized, a resonance appears on the fluorescence lines emitted from one of the laser levels each time the Zeeman splitting is equal to the frequency difference between two modes. These resonances, first observed by Fork, Hargrove, and Pollack, 1 have been used to measure Landeg" factors. 2 However, some aspects concerning their widths and the influence of mode locking on their amplitudes were not clearly understood. For that reason we have performed a semiclassical calculation, in the formalism of irreducible tensors, up to the fourth order of perturbation in the laser electric field (as previously done to second order to study the Hanle effect 3 ).In this Letter we summarize the results in the case J a =0, J b~l (a, lower level; b, upper level). The details of the calculation and the discussion of the positions of resonances when both levels have a Zeeman structure will be published later. 4 The hypotheses are the following:(a) As our detection does not resolve the spectral shape of the fluorescence lines, and further-more as the detection is perpendicular to the laser beam, it is not necessary to take into account the frequency correlation between the laser and the fluorescent light. 5,6 The calculation of the atomic density matrix is sufficient to determine the fluorescence.(b) The perturbation development is performed according to the usual methods with the rotatingwave and the Doppler-limit approximations. 7,8 (c) We take into account spontaneous emission from the upper to the lower level.(d) Although we must write the equations separately for each atomic velocity along the laser axis, we assume that the relaxation is sufficiently isotropic to produce no coupling between different tensorial orders 9 and to give rise to relaxation rates independent of Q (we write the irreducible tensor as T Q k -9 k is the tensorial order and Q the component).(e) We take into account velocity changes due to collisions or trapping of fluorescence lines with the help of the strong-collision model. 8,10 With the last two assumptions, the relaxation of the components on the a T Q k basis of the density matrix for the atomic quantities {a stands for aa, 1357