Water utilities particularly in the developing countries are still grappling with challenges of high water losses due to leakage. District Meter Areas, pressure management and network hydraulic modeling have proven to be powerful engineering tools for reducing leakage in many developed countries notably in the UK. Despite their apparent success, these tools have not had wide application in the developing countries partly due to inadequate information on cost-benefit analyses to support management decision making in implementation of pressure management policies. To address this constraint, this paper develops a decision support tool for predicting the associated benefits to make a sound financial case for investment in pressure management strategies. The predicted benefits by the tool are compared with those derived using network hydraulic modeling to give users confidence in the tool results. The predicted benefits are illustrated on a realdeveloping world case study in Kampala city, Uganda. Predictions by the tool and the network hydraulic model indicate that reducing average pressure in the DMA by 7.5 m could result into annual net benefits of Euro 56,190 and Euro 66,910 respectively without compromising the customer level of service. The results obtained indicate that the predicted net financial benefits compare fairly well.One of the main challenges facing water utilities worldwide is the high levels of water losses in the distribution networks. A recent World Bank study estimated that more than 32 billion cubic meters of treated water is lost annually as leakage from urban water supply systems around the world and half of these losses occur in developing countries (Kingdom et al., 2006). The same report estimates the full cost of water losses from urban water utilities in developing countries to be as much as US$5 billion per year. In light of global pressures of growing demand and increasing water scarcity, water utilities particularly in the developing countries need to operate more efficiently for sustainable service delivery.Non-revenue Water (NRW) is reaching alarming levels in many cities of the developing countries notably in Sub-Saharan Africa. A recent performance assessment study on African water utilities reports NRW figures of 40% in Lagos, 55% in Dar-es-salaam, 51% in Nairobi, 58% in Maputo, 52% in Lusaka and 51% in Blantyre among others (WSP, 2009).Water leakage accounts for a significant amount of NRW in many cities of the world. It varies from 3% of the water put into the distribution systems in well managed systems to over 50% in poorly managed systems (Puust et al., 2010). In Kampala, the capital city of Uganda, more than 8 million m 3 of treated water physically leak from the water supply system per year (Mutikanga et al., 2009). Clearly, it is unacceptable, that where public utilities are starving for additional revenues Abstract INTRODUCTION