In the present work, the shear stress transport (SST) k − model is used to simulate internal turbulent flows in curved tubular heat exchangers and the resulting friction factors C f are calculated. A helically coiled configuration was used in the validation process of the model that showed a good agreement between numerical results of the friction factors C f and the standard experimental correlations of the literature, with a maximum relative error of 4.24%. A comparative study was performed to investigate the possibility of applying friction factor correlations, established mainly for helical coils, to longitudinally C-shaped pipes. Preliminary results confirm the inability of coil-specific correlations to predict the friction factor C f inside C-shaped pipes. It was also noted that, unlike helical coils, the C-shaped pipe friction factor appears to be affected by ratios other than the curvature ratio as highlighted in this study by introducing the effect of the amplitude ratio defined as the ratio of the amplitude to the curvature radius. Keywords Pressure drop • Fanning friction factor C f • Helically coiled pipes • Longitudinally C-shaped pipes List of symbols A Amplitude of the C-shaped pipe (m) C f Friction coefficient c p Heat capacity (J kg −1 K −1 ) D i Inner diameter of the pipe (m) f Darcy friction factor Nu Nusselt number Pr Prandlt number Pr t Turbulent Prandtl number R c Curvature radius (m) Re Reynolds number T Temperature (K) u Velocity field (m s −1 )Greek letters Amplitude ratio Curvature ratio Periodicity length (m). Heat conductivity (W K −1 m −2 ) Dynamic viscosity (kg m −1 s −1 )