The magnetic penetration depth ͑0͒ in polycrystalline MgB 2 for different boron isotopes ͑ 10 B/ 11 B͒ was investigated by transverse field muon spin rotation. No boron isotope effect on the penetration depth ͑0͒ was found within experimental error: ⌬͑0͒ / ͑0͒ = 0.8͑8͒%, suggesting that MgB 2 is an adiabaic superconductor. This is in contrast to the substantial oxygen isotope effect on ͑0͒ observed in cuprate high-temperature superconductors.Since the discovery of superconductivity with transition temperature T c Ϸ 39 K in the binary intermetallic compound MgB 2 , 1 a large number of experimental and theoretical investigations were performed in order to explain the mechanism and the origin of its remarkably high transition temperature. Experiments were done revealing the important role played by the lattice excitations in this material. [2][3][4][5] In particular, the substitution of the 11 B with 10 B has been demonstrated to shift T c to higher temperatures, 2,3 as expected for a phonon mediated pairing mechanism.However, MgB 2 differs from conventional superconductors in several important aspects, including, for instance, the unusually high T c and the anomalous specific heat. 6 Calculations 7,8 based on the Eliashberg formalism support the experimental results, 6,9-11 revealing MgB 2 to be a twoband superconductor with two superconducting gaps of different size, the larger one originating from a 2D -band and the smaller one from a 3D -band. The electronic -states are confined to the boron planes and couple strongly to the in-plane vibration of the boron atoms (E 2g phonon mode). This strong pairing, confined only to parts of the Fermi surface, is the principal contribution responsible for superconductivity and mainly determines T c . The -states on the remaining parts of the Fermi surface form much weaker pairs. The double-gap structure explains most of the unusual physical properties of MgB 2 , such as the high critical temperature, the total T c isotope-effect coefficient ͑␣ Ϸ 0.32 3 ͒, the temperature dependent specific heat, 6 tunneling, 10 and upper critical field anisotropy H c2 ʈab / H c2 ʈc . 12 An interesting point to be clarified concerns the nature of the electron-lattice coupling. It was proposed 13-15 that MgB 2 is a nonadiabatic superconductor. Alexandrov 13 suggested that, because of the large coupling strength of the electrons to the E 2g phonon mode, the many-electron system is unstable and breaks down into a small polaron system, similar to the cuprate high temperature superconductors (HTSC), where the charge carriers are trapped by local lattice distortions. Cappelluti et al. 14 proposed that the small value of the Fermi energy E F of the bands relative to the phonon energy ph violates the adiabatic assumption ͑ ph Ӷ E F ͒, opening up a nonadiabatic channel that enhances T c . Both these nonadiabatic models 13,14 explicitly predict, but not quote, a boron isotope effect (BIE) on the carrier effective mass m * in MgB 2 . Zhao 15 proposed an unconventional phonon mediated mechanism for superc...