The accurate evaluation of molecular electric properties still constitutes a challenge for density functional theory (DFT) methods. Moreover, some new issues appear, within this area of research, that require analysis. One of them concerns the electric properties of confined matter. This study aims at a quantitative evaluation of the performance of DFT framework in the description of dipole moment, polarizability, and first hyperpolarizability of the isolated and spatially confined molecules.The calculations were performed using a set of 35 exchange-correlation functionals. The reference data were determined employing the highly accurate CCSD(T) method. To mimic the effect of spatial confinement the cylindrically symmetric harmonic oscillator potential was applied. Based on the conducted research it was found that the behavior of the considered functionals substantially differs depending on the studied electric property and molecule. Moreover, it was observed that the strength of spatial confinement strongly influences the performance of DFT methods.
K E Y W O R D Sdipole moment, exchange-correlation functionals, (hyper)polarizability, spatial confinement
| I N T R O D U C T I O NOver the last decades the Kohn-Sham formulation of density functional theory (KS-DFT) [1] has become one of the mainstream formalisms among various electronic structure methods of modern quantum chemistry. Undoubtedly, it results from the favorable balance between the accuracy of the outcomes and the computational economy of this approach. Formally, the computational cost of DFT, which includes an approximate treatment of electron correlation, scales as N 3 (N denotes the number of electrons in the molecular system), while in the case of correlated wave function methods scaling factor is equal to, at least, N 5 AN 7 . Conversely, the well-known problem of DFT lies in the fact, that the exchange-correlation functional (XCF), being the only unknown term in the expression of the total energy, might be given exactly for the free electron gas, while in all other cases it has to be approximated. [2] Thus, various forms of XCF have been developed, building a hierarchy that is often represented by the rungs of metaphorical Jacob's ladder: [3,4] local spin density approximation (LSDA), generalized gradient approximation (GGA), meta-GGA, hybrid GGA/meta-GGA, and double hybrid GGA/meta-GGA. Unfortunately, although the functionals on higher rungs contain more complex ingredients there is no guarantee that utilizing them would provide an improvement across all types of physicochemical properties (geometry, energetics, thermochemistry, etc.) for different types of molecular systems. This is the main drawback of DFT in comparison to the wave function methods, which provide a systematic and transparent route toward gaining more accurate results. Accordingly, it is not surprising that benchmarking accuracy of various types of XCFs has become an important task in quantum chemistry. [5][6][7][8][9] In the course of examining DFT performance it has been fou...