propagation geometry, we have performed the retrieval [7,9] of the effective magnetic permeability l and the effective electric permittivity e on the basis of calculated optical spectra. Generally, the shape of the retrieved spectra of e and l are similar to those, e.g., shown in Figure 4 of our recent publication. [7] Thus, the retrieved spectra are not shown here. For the SRR parameters of the first row of Figure 4 we find a resonance in l with l < 0 around a wavelength of 2.4 lm. For the SRR parameters of the second row of Figure 4 we find a resonance in l around 1.7 lm with reduced oscillator strength, thus l > 0, but still with a negative magnetic susceptibility. The oscillator strength is yet further reduced for the SRR parameters of the third row of Figure 4, corresponding to a magnetic resonance around a wavelength of 1.2 lm.In conclusion, we have designed and realized a variety of different metamaterials, taking advantage of the rapid prototyping capabilities of FIB nanofabrication. In particular, we have demonstrated a continuous transition from squareshaped metallic pads that exhibit a twofold degenerate Mie (electric dipole) resonance to SRRs with a red-shifted fundamental magnetic-dipole response and one remaining Mie resonance. The retrieval of the corresponding calculated optical spectra reveals a magnetic response with a negative magnetic susceptibility (although l > 0) at a wavelength of 1.7 lm and a negative permeability (i.e., l < 0) at a wavelength of 2.4 lm for propagation in the split-ring array plane. Overall, our results show the robustness of the SRR concept. Such robustness is especially important for nanometer-sized SRR arrays where fabrication tolerances are much more of an issue than for microwave structures. Combined with metallic nanowires leading to a negative permittivity, our findings on magnetic split rings pave the road for left-handed metamaterials at telecommunication wavelengths.
ExperimentalThe starting point of our nanofabrication process is a glass substrate, coated with a 5 nm thin film of indium tin oxide (ITO) and a 20 nm film of gold. The ITO acts as an adhesion promoter and enhances the quality of the gold film. Both films are deposited by electron-beam evaporation under high vacuum (10 -4 Pa). The FIB writing corresponds to an inverse process in the sense that the FIB removes material. We use a dual-beam FIB/SEM (scanning electron microscopy) system (Zeiss 1540 XB) and Ga + ions accelerated by a voltage of 30 kV. Typical FIB currents are 5 pA, typical exposure doses are 2900 lA s cm -2. Each SRR consists of a square with a side length of 280 nm in which a notch of depth u is cut. The arms of the resulting "U" have a typical width of 75 nm. All structures discussed here consist of an array of 35 × 35 SRRs with a lattice constant of 450 nm (total area of 16 lm × 16 lm). The exposure of one array like the one shown in Figure 2 takes approximately 20 min. Afterwards, the structure can be immediately inspected by the SEM of the dual-beam system and no further post-proce...