Magnetic, electronic, and structural properties of MFe 2 O 4 (M = Mg,Zn,Fe) ferric spinels have been studied by 57 Fe Mössbauer spectroscopy, electrical conductivity, and powder and single-crystal x-ray diffraction (XRD) to a pressure of 120 GPa and in the 2.4-300 K temperature range. These studies reveal for all materials, at the pressure range 25-40 GPa, an irreversible first-order structural transition to the postspinel CaTi 2 O 4 − type structure (Bbmm) in which the HS Fe 3+ occupies two different crystallographic sites characterized by six-and eightfold coordination polyhedra, respectively. Above 40 GPa, an onset of a sluggish second-order high-to-low spin (HS-LS) transition is observed on the octahedral Fe 3+ sites while Fe 3+ occupying bicapped trigonal prism sites remain in the HS state. Despite an appreciable resistance decrease, corroborating with the transition to the LS state, MgFe 2 O 4 and ZnFe 2 O 4 remain semiconductors at this pressure range. However, in the case of Fe 3 O 4 , the second-order HS-LS transition on the Fe 3+ octahedral sites corroborates with a clear trend to a gap closure and formation of a semimetal state above 50 GPa. Above 65 GPa, another structural phase transition is observed in Fe 3 O 4 to a new Pmma structure. This transition coincides with the onset of nonmagnetic Fe 2+ , signifying further propagation of the gradual collapse of magnetism corroborating with a sluggish metallization process. With this, half of Fe 3+ sites remain in the HS state. Thus, this paper demonstrates that, in a material with a complex crystal structure containing transition metal cation(s) in different environments, a HS-LS transition and delocalization/metallization of the 3d electrons does not necessarily occur simultaneously and may propagate through different crystallographic sites at different degrees of compression.