Magnetization measurements under hydrostatic pressure were performed on an S ¼ 1=2 coupled spin dimer system TlCuCl 3 with a gapped ground state under magnetic field H parallel to the ½201 direction. With increasing applied pressure P, the gap decreases and closes completely at P c ¼ 0:42 AE 0:05 kbar. For P > P c , TlCuCl 3 undergoes antiferromagnetic ordering. A spin-flop transition was observed at H sf ' 0:7 T. The spin-flop field is approximately independent of pressure, although the sublattice magnetization increases with pressure. The gap and Néel temperature are presented as functions of pressure. The occurrence of the pressure-induced quantum phase transition is attributed to the relative enhancement of the interdimer exchange interactions compared with the intradimer exchange interaction. A quantum phase transition (QPT) is a phase transition between different quantum ground states induced by a continuous change in interaction constants or applied field.
1)In the vicinity of the transition point called the quantum critical point (QCP), physical properties are governed by quantum fluctuations. Novel ground states are stabilized by quantum fluctuations and the critical behavior associated with QPT is of current interest in condensed matter physics. In this letter, we report on the magnetic QPT induced by the applied pressure in the coupled spin dimer system TlCuCl 3 .TlCuCl 3 crystallizes in a monoclinic structure, 2) which is the same as the structure of KCuCl 3 .3) The crystal structure consists of planar dimers of Cu 2 Cl 6 , in which Cu 2þ ions have spin 1=2. The magnetic ground state is a spin singlet with an excitation gap of Á=k B ¼ 7:5 K.2,4,5) The origin of the spin gap is the antiferromagnetic exchange interaction J=k B ¼ 65:9 K on the planar dimer Cu 2 Cl 6 . 6,7) The markedly small gap as compared with the intradimer exchange interaction J is ascribed to strong interdimer exchange interactions with the three-dimensional network.Because of the small gap, the field-induced magnetic QPT from the gapped spin liquid state to the antiferromagnetic state with transverse-ordered moments can be observed in TlCuCl 3 using a conventional superconducting magnet.
5)Thus, the static and dynamic properties of the field-induced magnetic QPT have been extensively investigated in various experiments.8-10) The results were clearly described in terms of the Bose-Einstein condensation of spin triplets called magnons or triplons. [10][11][12][13] It is considered that the application of hydrostatic pressure enhances interdimer interactions, because the distances between dimers are contracted. Since the spin gap shrinks with increasing the magnitude of interdimer interactions, and, in general, the effect of pressure on exchange interactions is fairly large in chlorides, we can expect the occurence of a pressure-induced magnetic QPT in the pressure range of P < 10 kbar, which is easily accessible with a high-pressure cramp cell. With this reasoning, we performed magnetization measurements on TlCuCl 3 under hydrostati...