The input of mechanical energy to the ocean from wind (the rate of wind work) drives ocean currents, grows surface waves, and creates turbulence that can enhance vertical mixing. Estimates of air/sea KE (Kinetic Energy) flux have been made by numerous studies using both models and global products (Ferrari & Wunsch, 2009, 2010von Storch et al., 2007;Wunsch, 1998; and many others). The majority of these studies focus on estimates and analysis relating to the shear-driven surface flux, the product of the surface stress and the surface current ( ⋅ )0 , which although is simple in form, can be difficult to estimate. Direct measurement of ocean surface current and stress is challenging, and not commonly made via global or local in situ measurements. Instead, more available estimates of atmospheric boundary layer stress and geostrophic, subsurface, or drifter-derived currents are used, each with their own set of challenges, assumptions and caveats when applied toward estimating ( ⋅ )0 at the ocean surface. Further, the overbar denoting a temporal average indicates that this form of the KE flux includes both mean, turbulent, and wave-coherent components, further complicating both estimation and analysis of the surface KE flux. The fraction of total wind work that is partitioned into currents, waves, and turbulence is poorly constrained but is important in determining the energy available for driving mean currents, waves, and vertical mixing respectively. A summary of recent best estimates of the partitioning of global air/sea KE flux is presented in Table 2 of Wunsch (2020) and shows the total wind work on the ocean is estimated at 70 TW (Ferrari & Wunsch, 2010), with 68 TW going to surface gravity waves (Rascle et al., 2008), 1-3 TW going toward general circulation (Rimac et al., 2016), and 0.2 TW going to internal waves (Thorpe, 2005). No direct estimates have been made for the amount available for turbulent energy in the upper ocean, which is related to both the wave-mediated and viscous-stress-mediated work at the interface. Wave-mediated fluxes at the surface estimated at ∼68 TW are the largest contribution, and since only a small fraction of this surface wave energy is estimated to reach the coastlines (2.4 TW, Rascle et al., 2008), the majority is expected to stay in the ocean basins and be transferred