The Breeding Blanket (BB) is one of the key components of the European Demonstration (EU-DEMO) fusion reactor. Its main subsystems, the Breeder Zone (BZ) and the First Wall (FW), are cooled by two independent cooling circuits, called Primary Heat Transfer Systems (PHTS). Evaluating the BB PHTS performances in anticipated transient and accident conditions is a relevant issue for the design of these cooling systems. Within the framework of the EUROfusion Work Package Breeding Blanket, it was performed a thermal-hydraulic analysis of the PHTS during transient conditions belonging to the category of “Decrease in Coolant System Flow Rate”, by using Reactor Excursion Leak Analysis Program (RELAP5) Mod3.3. The BB, the PHTS circuits, the BZ Once Through Steam Generators and the FW Heat Exchangers were included in the study. Selected transients consist in partial and complete Loss of Flow Accident (LOFA) involving either the BZ or the FW PHTS Main Coolant Pumps (MCPs). The influence of the loss of off-site power, combined with the accident occurrence, was also investigated. The transient analysis was performed with the aim of design improvement. The current practice of a standard Pressurized Water Reactor (PWR) was adopted to propose and study actuation logics related to each accidental scenario. The appropriateness of the current PHTS design was demonstrated by simulation outcomes.