Ferroelectric materials are being actively explored for next-generation solid-state cooling technology. Even though bulk materials possess an advantage in terms of overall heat extraction capacity, their performance is limited due to low adiabatic temperature change. In this regard, the present article explores enhanced cooling capacity of bulk polycrystalline Pb 0.99 Nb 0.02 (Zr 0.95 Ti 0.05 ) 0.08 O 3 (PNZT) through external-field mediation and coupled caloric effects. Barocaloric (BC) and electrocaloric (EC) effects were indirectly estimated using polarization versus electric field (P-E) loops (under varying pressure and temperature). It was observed that under applied pressure of 325 MPa, DT EC could be improved from 1 K to 4.5 K.Similarly, a peak unbiased DT BC of 1.5 K could be enhanced to 5.3 K under an electric field of 5 MVÁm À1 . These figures correspond to an improvement of 400% over the unbiased values. The results are indicative of the multicaloric cooling capacity of bulk ferroelectric materials.