The thermal expansion of single-crystalline UNi 2 Si 2 along the a and c axes has been measured with high accuracy. The linear thermal expansion is found to be highly anisotropic and to show a spontaneous magnetostriction. In the ground state, the spontaneous volume magnetostriction reaches 4ϫ10 Ϫ4 . The lattice volume changes abruptly at T 1 ϭ43 K and T 2 ϭ103 K, where UNi 2 Si 2 undergoes the magnetic phase transitions. When increasing temperature, a considerable volume expansion (by 3.6ϫ10 Ϫ8 m 3 mol Ϫ1 ) at T 1 and tiny shrinkage ͑by 6.5ϫ10 Ϫ10 m 3 mol Ϫ1 ) at T 2 have been observed. On the other hand, no apparent volume effect is observed around the magnetic ordering temperature T N ϭ124 K. Thermal expansion data are analyzed using thermodynamic relations in order to elucidate the previously published pressure dependences of temperatures of magnetic phase transitions T 1 , T 2 , and T N .