The present paper is concerned with an experimental study of the process of gas dissolution behind a shock wave in a liquid with bubbles of a readily soluble gas, the influence of gas dissolution on the wave evolution, and strengthening of the shock wave after reflection from a solid wall.Reflection of high-amplitude pressure waves at a solid boundary in a liquid with gas bubbles has been investigated theoretically and experimentally [1][2][3]. It is found that the wave reflection has a substantially nonlinear character. Numerical calculations [4, 5] for the process of collapse of a layer of cavitation bubbles at a solid wall showed that the inertia effects of collective collapse of bubbles give rise to a series of high-amplitude pressure pulses at the wM1. In the experiments of [6][7][8], it was established that in a liquid with vapor bubbles and in a liquid with bubbles of a readily soluble gas, shock-wave strengthening takes place both in incident waves and in waves reflected from a solid boundary.The experiments described here were performed on a setup of the "shock tube" type [9]. The working section was a thick-walled steel pipe with inside diameter 0.053 m and length 2 m bounded from below by a solid wall and filled with a liquid. Gas bubbles were introduced in the liquid through holes of 0.2 mm diameter along the perimeter of the lower part of the working section. This method of introducing bubbles provided for a fairly high volumetric gas content. The average bubble size for different gas contents varied within 2-4 mm, and the difference in bubble size did not exceed 10-20%. As the working liquid we used distilled water saturated with carbon dioxide to the state of equilibrium under the initial conditions of the experiment (room temperature and atmospheric pressure). Carbon dioxide was used as the gas phase. The gas content averaged over the length of the working section was calculated from measurements of the rise of the liquid column in the working section due to the introduction of gas bubbles. The bubble size was measured by photographing through optical windows in the upper and lower parts of the working section.Stepped pressure waves were produced by rupture of the diaphragm separating the high-pressure chamber and the working section. Pressure-wave profiles were recorded by six piezoelectric pressure gauges located along the working-section length and flush-mounted with the inner wall. Signals from the gauges were sent to an analog-to-digital processor and then processed on a computer. Figure 1 shows the shock-wave speed U1 in water with carbon dioxide bubbles versus the amplitude P1/Po. Here (70 is the low-frequency speed of sound in the gas-liquid mixture and P0 and PI are the pressures ahead of the shock wave and behind its front. Experimental points 1-4 correspond to the following values of the initial volumetric gas content of the medium: ~o = 0.05, 0.10, 0.18, and 0.29. Calculations in the adiabatic approximation U/Co = ((3" + 1)P1/(23"Po) + (3' -1)/27) ~ [1] are shown by a solid curve; cal...