Intracranial recordings in human subjects provide a unique, fine-grained temporal and spatial resolution inaccessible to conventional non-invasive methods. A prominent signal in these recordings is broadband high-frequency activity (approx. 70-150 Hz), generally considered to reflect neuronal excitation. Here we explored the use of this broadband signal to track, on a single-trial basis, the temporal and spatial distribution of task-engaged areas involved in decision-making. We additionally focused on the alpha rhythm (8-14 Hz), thought to regulate the (dis)engagement of neuronal populations based on task demands. Using these signals, we characterized activity across cortex using intracranial recordings in patients with intractable epilepsy performing the Multi-Source Interference Task, a Stroop-like decision-making paradigm. We analyzed recordings both from grid electrodes placed over cortical areas including frontotemporal and parietal cortex, and depth electrodes in prefrontal regions, including cingulate cortex. We found a widespread negative relationship between alpha power and broadband activity, substantiating the gating role of alpha in regions beyond sensory/motor cortex. Combined, these signals reflect the spatiotemporal pattern of task-engagement, with alpha decrease signifying task-involved regions and broadband increase temporally locking to specific task aspects, distributed over cortical sites. We report sites that only respond to stimulus presentation or to the decision report and, interestingly, sites that reflect the time-on-task. The latter predict the subject's reaction times on a trial-by-trial basis. A smaller subset of sites showed modulation with task condition. Taken together, alpha and broadband signals allow tracking of neuronal population dynamics across cortex on a fine temporal and spatial scale.