Self-compacting concrete (SCC) is flowing in nature and hence viscosity modified agent (VMA) or higher amount of binder is used for stability of mix. The mix proportion of SCC is also different from normal vibrated concrete (NC). This modifies the properties of concrete at fresh as well as at hardened state. Three mixes, one VMA type SCC, one powder type SCC and one NC, are considered with identical water to binder ratio. Properties at fresh state such as workability and segregation resistance and at hardened stage such as compressive strength, elastic modulus, shrinkage, creep and elastic shortening are determined and compared. Powder type SCC shows superior properties at fresh stage. Also compressive strength of powder type SCC is found better than that of VMA SCC and NC. Observations show more shrinkage, elastic shortening and creep for powder type SCC as compared with VMA SCC and NC.