1 Presynaptic nicotinic ACh receptors modulate transmitter release in the brain. Here we report their interactions with protein kinase C (PKC) with respect to [ 3 H]-dopamine release from rat striatal synaptosomes, monitored by superfusion. 2 Two speci®c PKC inhibitors, Ro 31-8220 (1 mM) and D-erythro-sphingosine (10 mM) signi®cantly reduced (by 51 and 26% respectively) [ 3 H]-dopamine release stimulated by anatoxin-a (AnTx), a potent and selective agonist of nicotinic ACh receptors. The inactive structural analogue of Ro 31-8220, bisindolylmaleimide V (1 mM) had no e ect. 3 Two phorbol esters, PDBu (1 mM) and PMA (1 mM) potentiated AnTx-evoked [ 3 H]-dopamine release by 50 ± 80%. This was Ca 2+ -dependent and prevented by PKC inhibitors. In the absence of nicotinic agonist, phorbol esters enhanced basal release through a PKC-independent mechanism. 4 A 86 Rb + e ux assay of nicotinic ACh receptor function con®rmed that Ro 31-8220 has no nonspeci®c e ect on presynaptic nicotinic ACh receptors. 5 These results suggest that PKC is activated by nicotinic ACh receptor stimulation and mediates a component of AnTx-evoked [ 3 H]-dopamine release. In addition, independent activation of PKC can further amplify the response, o ering a potential mechanism for receptor crosstalk.