Osmotic water flux across the plasma membrane, resulting in altered cellular volume and ionic strength, severely affects cell function. Most vertebrates counteract such perturbations by maintaining a remarkably stable osmolarity in the extracellular fluid (ECF; in mammals, close to 300 mOsm) and by possessing a variety of generally indirect mechanisms of volume regulated ion transport that allow individual cells to monitor and recover their volume following osmotic swelling or shrinkage. The purpose of this review is to outline the current evidence on how cells sense volume perturbations, with particular focus on mechanisms relevant to the kidneys and to ECF osmolarity/whole body volume homeostasis. The signaling events downstream from the osmosensor and the volume regulatory ion transport proteins involved in the process of regulatory volume decrease (RVD) and regulatory volume increase (RVI) after osmotic swelling and shrinkage, respectively, have been reviewed in detail elsewhere. [1][2][3][4] We also discuss a variety of pathophysiological consequences to disturbances in cell-volume sensing.Two terms are used to describe the osmotic relation between the cell and its surroundings: osmolarity and tonicity. Osmolarity is an absolute term that can be measured typically by freezing-point depression, whereas tonicity is defined by the osmotic gradient across a membrane; by definition, hypertonic exposure causes cell shrinkage, and hypotonic exposure causes cell swelling. In contrast, exposure of a cell to a fully permeable osmolyte has an osmotic effect, but no tonicity effect, and does not alter cell volume. In this review, we will use the terms osmosensor and osmosensing unless there is direct experimental evidence that the modality sensed is tonicity that perturbs cell volume. Tonicity will be used for describing the experimental perfusion of a cell with an anisotonic solution or for processes in which a direct dependence on cell volume, rather than osmolarity, is established.
BASAL MECHANISMS IN CELLULAR VOLUME SENSINGArguably the most fundamental issue in osmosensing is precisely what is sensed when a cell is exposed to osmotic stress. Surprisingly, this issue is still not resolved completely. At least three types of osmotic stress signals can be identified in eukaryotic cells: changes in macromolecular crowding, ionic strength, and mechanical or chemical changes in the lipid bilayer or the extracellular matrix (ECM) and the cytoskeleton to which it is tethered. 1,5-7 Osmosensory systems respond to these signals, resulting in a series of signal transduction events that, in turn, activate volume regulatory, protective, and adaptive events. 1 All three types of osmotic stress signals can be part of the osmosensory machinery in various model systems, and, in some cases, several signals may contribute to a given response, as examples that follow will show.A poorly understood issue in volume sensing is where, subcellularly, the sensors are located and how that impacts on the signals that can be perceived. As discu...