Recent studies (e.g., Gramaccioli et al. 2000a and references therein) suggest that the formation of fl uoride complexes plays an important role in the transport and enrichment of Sc, Y, and the lanthanides in fl uids. However, many problems still exist in our understanding of the geochemical behavior of such elements * ABSTRACT A chemical and paragenetic study has been performed on Sc silicates and Sc-bearing beryl occurring in Hercynian NYF-miarolitic pink granite and granophyric leucogranite at Baveno and Cuasso al Monte, Western Southern-Alps, Italy. In the Baveno and Cuasso al Monte plutons, detailed fi eld work allowed the discovery of a signifi cant number of crystals of bazzite, thortveitite, scandiobabingtonite, cascandite, and jervisite representative of all the known morphological and color varieties of these minerals in the two localities. Other studied samples belong to the historic collections of the Natural History Museum of Milan.Except for beryl, which crystallizes relatively early in aplitic granophyre, all the other Sc minerals crystallize as late-stage phases in cavities associated with fl uorite. Chemical analyses reveal moderate Sc enrichment at the rim of beryl crystals. Bazzite displays a relatively large chemical variation, from "primitive" compositions enriched in Fe 2 O 3 and Al 2 O 3 , to "highly evolved" compositions with values of Sc 2 O 3 up to 17.54 wt%. Scandiobabingtonite shows a perfect inverse correlation between Fe 3+ and Sc concentrations, suggesting complete solid solution between babingtonite and its Sc analogues. A wide variety of compositions have been determined for cascandite, signifi cantly extending the compositional range of this mineral. In particular, the MnO content ranges from 0.37 to 4.87 wt%. The jervisite crystals analyzed in this work have rather homogeneous compositions much closer to the end-member if compared with the holotype analysis reported in literature. Thortveitite shows a wide range of compositions with variation in Sc 2 O 3 , Y 2 O 3 , HREE, and Fe 2 O 3 . Signifi cant fl uctuations of the Sc/Yb ratios are in agreement with similar complex variations in the ratios between REE (e.g., Y/Dy) reported in the literature for crystals of gadolinite-group minerals from the same localities.Two different genetic models are discussed to explain the precipitation of Sc silicates as late stage phases in cavities. (1) during the latest stages of magma crystallization, HFSE and Sc were extracted from the silicate liquid and partitioned into fl uids due to the complexing effect of F. Indeed, in view of the NYF geochemistry of the granite and the signifi cant abundance of the associated F-bearing minerals, fl uorides (but not other complexing agents such as carbonates and phosphates) played the major role in concentrating HFSE and Sc. In cavities, such elements resulted in a series of rare accessory phases when F was extracted from fl uids because of the precipitation of zinnwaldite and fl uorite. (2) HFSE, Sc, and Y+REE were mainly incorporated by gadolinite-(Y...