Asthma, a common chronic respiratory illness is mostly managed in primary care. We aimed to determine healthcare resources, organisational support, and doctors’ practice in managing asthma in public primary health clinics in Malaysia. A total of six clinics participated. Here, we found only four had dedicated asthma clinics. There was only one clinic which had a tracing defaulter system. Long-term controller medications were available in all clinics, however not adequately provided. Resources, educational materials, and equipment for asthma management were present, though restricted in number and not placed in important areas of the clinic. To diagnose asthma, most doctors used clinical judgement, peak flow meter measurements with reversibility test. Although spirometry is the recommended method to diagnose asthma, it was less practiced, being inaccessibility and unskilled in using as the main reasons. Most doctors reported providing asthma self-management; asthma action plan, but for only half of the patients that they encountered. In conclusion, there is still room for improvement in the provision of clinic resources and support for asthma care. Utilising peak flow meter measurement and reversibility test suggest practical alternative in low resource for spirometry. Reinforcing education on asthma action plan is vital to ensure optimal asthma care.