Purpose. The aim of this paper is to evaluate changes in the metabolic status of patients with PA before and after the surgical treatment, and to look for differences in the metabolic outcomes among patients according to the adenoma type and the success rate of the surgery.Methods. We assessed patients with PA who went through TSS for its treatment, documenting metabolic parameters (height, weight, fasting glucose, blood pressure, triglycerides, and HDL-cholesterol) before and after surgery, analyzed whole sample changes, and then strati ed them according to adenoma type (nonproducing, somatotroph, lactotroph, and corticotroph), and surgery success (total resection, near total resection, partial resection, subtotal resection).Results. A total of 214 patients were enrolled for this study. The prevalence of MetSx with AACE criteria went from 51.52% before surgery to 28.99% after surgery (p <0.001). Hyperglycemia was the most bene ted component, which went from 56% pre-surgery to 40.51% post-surgery (p= 0.03). Total resection group had the best improvement, with signi cant decrease of prevalence in MetSx from 83% to 16% (p< 0.001), and every component, excepting Hα: obesity went from 96% to 67% (p< 0.001), HT 59 to 24% (p< 0.001), HGlu 74 to 23 % (p<0.001), and HTri from 81 to 54% (p< 0.001). According to MetSx prevalence, there was no difference of the improvement PA type, as this improvement showed to be signi cant in all of them. Conclusion. MetSx improves in patients with PA after surgical treatment.Trial registration number.