cant (p=0.13, OR:1.5,. The CED history during pregnancy was not the risk factor of the stunting incident (p=0.23, OR:0.7,. Other factors related to the stunting incidence were mother 's height (p=0.01, OR:2.04,, the history of low birth weight (p=0.03, OR:3.03, and food insecurity (p=0.04, OR:2.7,. The multivariate analysis showed that mother's height was correlated with the stunting incidence in Sedayu subdistrict. Conclusion: Factors that infl uence the incidence of stunting in children aged 6-23 month were pregnant mother with anemia, history of low birth weight, food insecurity, and stunted mother. Stunted mother was associated with the incidence of stunting.