“…The most common profile of a person who engages in active sexting is a late-adolescent male with access to more technological resources and who is in a romantic relationship, although sexting behaviors have also been observed among early adolescents (Baumgartner et al, 2014;Lippman & Campbell, 2014;Morelli et al, 2016aMorelli et al, , 2016bRice et al, 2014;Strassberg et al, 2017;Yépez-Tito et al, 2020). Research suggests that sexting is a way of expressing sexuality with peers (Barrense-Dias et al, 2017;Kopecký, 2012Kopecký, , 2015Lippman & Campbell, 2014;Ševčíková, 2016;Van Ouytsel et al, 2016), which is consistent with the fact that the principal motivations for sexting, aside from joking, are wanting to have sex and dating (Korenis & Billick, 2014;Lippman & Campbell, 2014;Yépez-Tito et al, 2018).…”