Community diagnosis is a comprehensive assessment of the community state as a whole concerning its economic, social, physical, and biological environmental conditions (Thapa et al 2012). It is composed of a quantitative and qualitative description of the resident's health status and the influencing factors. Implementation of community diagnosis is expected to correctly identify health problems and facilitate health promotion, disease prevention, and health service management in the community (Bhargava et al 2016).Community diagnosis is based on Lawrence Green's theory, the PRECEDE-PROCEED theory, consisting of nine phases (Räihä 2014). These phases are: (1) social diagnosis, (2) epidemiological diagnosis, (3) behavioral and environmental diagnosis, (4) educational and organizational diagnosis, (5) administrative and policy diagnosis, (6) implementation, (7) process evaluation, (8) impact evaluation and (9) outcome evaluation (Weiss, 2016). The implementation includes epidemiological, social, environmental, and health personnel data components; in this theory, selecting suitable alternative innovations and evaluation plans is determined as the goal (Porter 2016).We conducted a community diagnosis process in Sei Selayur urban village, Palembang, Indonesia. A community diagnosis needs to be carried out in the environment to establish the health status of the community and the problems inherent in the environment. Thus, the aim of this study was to determine the priority of health-related problems and potential problemsolving interventions for the community.