Renal cell carcinoma, an aggressive malignancy, is often incidentally diagnosed. The patient remains asymptomatic to the late stage of the disease, when the local or distant metastases are already present. Surgical treatment remains the choice for these patients, although the plan must adapt to the characteristics of the patients and the extension of the neoplasm. Systemic therapy is sometimes needed. It includes immunotherapy, target therapy, or both, with a high level of toxicity. Cardiac biomarkers have prognosis and monitoring values in this setting. Their role in postoperative identification of myocardial injury and heart failure already have been demonstrated, as well as their importance in preoperative evaluation from the cardiac point of view and the progression of renal cancer. The cardiac biomarkers are also part of the new cardio-oncologic approach to establishing and monitoring systemic therapy. They are complementary tests for assessment of the baseline toxicity risk and tools to guide therapy. The goal must be to continue the treatment as long as possible with the initiation and optimisation of the cardiological treatment. Cardiac atrial biomarkers are reported to have also antitumoral and anti-inflammatory properties. This review aims to present the role of cardiac biomarkers in the multidisciplinary management of renal cell carcinoma patients.