Background: Hepatitis C virus (HCV) is one of the hepatitis viruses that transmitted through blоod or blоod products. HCV has been implicated as a major reason of chronic liver disease and hepatоcellular carcinoma worldwide.
Aim:To determine the seroprevalence of HCV antibodies among community in Luxor governorate, Egypt. Moreover to assess if there is any association with the population group, sex, age and other different risk factors.
Method:We randomly selected 745 blood samples; from males and females of different ages. Samples were collected from Luxor governorate, Egypt. Seras from all subjects were tested for hepatitis C virus antibodies using rapid test method and confirmed with the enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) third generation.
Results:Our results show that 584 (78.40 %) of the community were males and most of them were aged between 31 and 50 years. Thirty two (5.48%) from blood samples of males were anti-HCV seropositive and the highest prevalence of anti-HCV (7.22%) of age groups from 41-50 years. One hundred and sixty one (21.60%) from the community were female and most of them aged between 41 -65 years. Six (3.73%) of female subjects tested positive for anti-HCV and the highest prevalence of anti-HCV (4.87%) with age groups from 31-40 years. Four risk factors reflecting high mechanisms of HCV transmission have been associated with HCV infection including residing in rural areas, no education, blood transfusion and dental treatment. Exposures to surgery, history of schistosomiasis show low association with Anti-HCV. Among the community exposures, including blood donation and alcohol consumption but these associations are not important.