“…Longitudinal studies have generally started in adolescence or young adulthood and have followed female participants over periods ranging from 6 months to 10 years (Attie & Brooks-Gunn, 1989;Button, Sonuga-Barke, Davies, & Thompson, 1996;Calam & Waller, 1998;Cattarin & Thompson, 1994;Graber, Brookes-Gunn, Paikoff, & Warren, 1994;Heatherton, Mahamedi, Striepe, Field, & Keel, 1997;Keel, Fulkerson, & Leon, 1996;Killen et al, 1996;Leon, Fulkerson, Perry, & Early-Zald, 1995;Patton, Johnson-Sabine, Wood, Mann, & Wakeling, 1990;Rosen, Compas, & Tacy, 1993;Santonastaso, Favaro, Ferrara, Sala, & Zanetti, 1995;Stice, 1998). These studies have found consistently that dieting behavior and high drive for thinness predict later eating disturbance and that high levels of body dissatisfaction or level of obesity have been predictive in about one half the studies examining them.…”