DOI: 10.1016/j.joca.2015.12.020
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Prevalence of cam hip shape morphology: a systematic review

Abstract: There is currently insufficient high quality data to determine the true prevalence of cam morphology in the general population or selected subgroups. Well-designed population-based epidemiological studies that use homogenous case definitions are required to determine the prevalence of cam morphology and its relationship to hip pain.

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Cited by 74 publications
(79 citation statements)
References 74 publications
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“…Cam-type FAI and associated pathologies are characterised by vigorous, repetitive contact of an abnormal morphology in the femoral neck/head into the acetabulum causing soft-tissue damage to the acetabular cartilage, potentially leading to OA changes in the hip 5–8. While much speculation exists, the prevalence of cam morphology in the general population is unknown9 and the presence of a cam abnormality does not inevitably lead to symptomatic FAI 6. FAI and associated pathologies may be considered to represent early stage hip degenerative joint disease in the disease continuum 4 10.…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Cam-type FAI and associated pathologies are characterised by vigorous, repetitive contact of an abnormal morphology in the femoral neck/head into the acetabulum causing soft-tissue damage to the acetabular cartilage, potentially leading to OA changes in the hip 5–8. While much speculation exists, the prevalence of cam morphology in the general population is unknown9 and the presence of a cam abnormality does not inevitably lead to symptomatic FAI 6. FAI and associated pathologies may be considered to represent early stage hip degenerative joint disease in the disease continuum 4 10.…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Ambiguity as to the role of symptoms in making a diagnosis of FAI has led to the introduction of new terms such as ‘asymptomatic FAI’ or ‘radiological FAI’,35–37 apparently to describe hip morphologies rather than a clinical disorder 19. We agreed that this creates confusion when trying to define the clinical disorder.…”
Section: Discussionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…The panel emphasised that their presence, in the absence of appropriate symptoms and clinical signs, does not constitute a diagnosis of FAI syndrome. A substantial proportion of people in the general population are thought to have cam or pincer morphology 19 49…”
Section: Discussionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…1 4 Cam-type FAI and associated pathologies are characterised by vigorous, repetitive contact of an abnormal morphology in the femoral neck/head into the acetabulum causing soft-tissue damage to the acetabular cartilage, potentially leading to OA changes in the hip. [5][6][7][8] While much speculation exists, the prevalence of cam morphology in the general population is unknown 9 and the presence of a cam abnormality does not inevitably lead to symptomatic FAI. 6 FAI and associated pathologies may be considered to represent early stage hip degenerative joint disease in the disease continuum.…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%