Recent developments in brain magnetic resonance imaging using advanced Susceptibility Weighted Imaging (SWI) have significantly increased the detection and prevalence of Cerebral Microbleeds (CMBs). Here, we aimed to explore the association between Pulse Pressure (PP) and CMBs. Having been implicated in various arteriopathies, we hypothesized that elevated PP could also be a risk for CMBs. A retrospective case-control study was conducted from August 2021 to September 2022 at Zhongnan Hospital of Wuhan University China. Extracted data were analyzed in SPSS. Chi-square test, binary logistic regression, and Spearman's correlation analysis were conducted.104 patients were analyzed. Univariate analysis showed no significant association between PP and CMBs, OR 1.65 (95% CI: 0.737 -3.694; p > 0.05), while DBP and alcohol consumption were significant, ORs 2.956 (95% CI: 1.249 -6.997, p < 0.05) and 2.525 (95% CI: 1.062 -6.002, p < 0.05) respectively. Multivariate analysis, showed that PP was significantly associated with CMBs, OR 3.194 (95% CI: 1.024 -9.964, p < 0.05) in combination with SBP, DBP, gender, age, smoking and alcohol consumption. Taken together, the study showed that elevated PP is associated with CMB, but is not an independent risk factor for CMBs.