Objective: To determine the risk factors for urinary incontinence (UI) amongst the patients attending the Urogynecology clinic in Salmaniya medical Complex. Design: Cross sectional study. Setting: Salmaniya Medical Complex -Urogynecology clinic. Population: A total of 259 women complaining of stress and mixed urinary incontinence were recruited between January 2005 and December 2011. Women with over active bladder syndrome, pure neurogenic bladder and overflow incontinence were excluded. Methods: Data collected from the recording forms which were used regularly in the urogynecology clinic.
Results:The risk of urinary incontinence increased significantly with age. Women aged 30-60 years were approximately 3-6 times more likely to develop urinary incontinence than women less than 30years. The risk of UI was increased by obesity (OR 2.5, 95%CI (1.6-4.1), vaginal delivery (OR 6.73, 95%CI 1.2-36.8), parity (Para 3-5) (OR 5.09, 95%CI 5.6-9.8), postmenopausal status (OR 5.57, 95%CI 3.2 -9.8) and chronic pulmonary diseases (OR 4.00, 95%CI 1.1 -14.2). Conclusions: The significant risk factors for UI as seen in our study population were age, body mass index, parity, vaginal delivery, menopause and chronic pulmonary diseases. Studies have shown that urinary incontinence affects women of all ages but it rises with advanced age. The prevalence of UI is estimated to range from 16% to 46% amongst middle-aged women and rise to 50% in older women [2][3][4]. Stress urinary incontinence (SUI) is the most prevalent type of urinary incontinence affecting nearly 30 -50 % of women [3,[5][6][7]. Urinary incontince is an embarrassing condition with a major impact on a quality of life [7][8][9].
Risk Factors of Urinary Incontinence in BahrainSeveral studies had focused on risk factors of urinary incontince and these are important in counseling patients appropriately [2][3][4]10]. We decided to study the risk factors of urinary incontinence in Bahraini women as there are no published studies which addressed this issue in our society.The aim of this study was to find out the risk factors of urinary incontinence amongst the patients who presented to the Urogynecology clinic at Salmaniya Medical Complex with urinary incontinence from 1st of January 2005 till 31 st December 2011.
Materials and MethodThis study was conducted in the Urogynecology clinic at Salmaniya Medical Complex (SMC)